Sunday, October 02, 2005


Who's better than Alice In Chains? Almost anyone with no musical background would name many like Nirvana or Backstreet Boys. But what about those that are musicians? How many experienced guitarists like Nirvana. It's not too many. Nirvana is so simple and easy. There's not much to their song-making. It's just a couple of power chords and two or three notes between. What's so great about AIC? Or what about Soundgarden? Or what about Candlebox, Mudhoney, Mother Love Bone, or Temple of the Dog? Where do they fit? It's not known because if you ask someone if they like these bands, they say, "Who the f*** are they?" I've just been wondering lately why Nirvana is so worshipped, but better musicians are often put aside. Forgotten. Why is talent despised so much in our current era?


Blogger Unknown said...

i am a nirvana fan and i will tell you why i like them.

2.) the lyrics- there is a sense of darkness; they are deep

Temple Of The Dog, great band. love the song 'Hunger Strike'.

To me, Pearl Jam is the best grunge act, and they are still rockin'.

7:36 PM  

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