Friday, October 21, 2005

The Cure

I have been listening to the Cure lately. They are another British band. Their style is absolutely unique and I've never heard the Cure on the radio. Ever. I've been recently introduced to them. I always seem to find a good band based on what someone I know recommends. It's strange: I can search through many different bands and songs, and not find something appealing, but when someone I know forces me to listen to something they like, I find that I hear what they hear. I don't know if it's me or if it's them or if it's just a major coincidence. The Cure is now one of my favorites and I'm very glad they formed and made such wonderful music.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cure fans are fanatical..for good reason.

4:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

the cure is a good band. 'just like heaven' is played all the time on the radio by me.

6:57 PM  
Blogger Liquid Skin said...

mmm ive always been meaning to listen to more of the cure, my friend really likes them and i enjoy what ive heard. the club i frequent play cure songs all the time, there is a huge cure following that go there... i agree, cure fans are fanatical.

7:42 AM  

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